Author Journey Checklist to Flourish in Your Writing Life

In the 7 years I've been mentoring writers, I've found that having a these strong pillars help you move your writing life forward.

Let's make sure your foundation is strong!

My name is Kim Steadman. I’m an ex-cubicle nation employee & manager turned stay-at-home caregiver and multi-genre passionate author. I’ve mentored hundreds of people on how to “Write More Write Now” in my free group. 

There are four common things I’ve noticed in writers who flourish in their writing life.

There are four common things I’ve noticed in writers who flourish in their writing life. But, before I share those with you, we first have to determine your definition of success. Don’t grab a dictionary or an app. This answer has to come from deep within you.

I know a writer flourishes when they have clearly defined what success means to them. It’s different for every writer. Trust me, there’s no right or wrong answer here. But, it’s paramount, fueling the passion of your writing dreams.

I invite you to pause and paint a picture with words of what it means to you to flourish in your writing world.

Yours could be something like this…

“Success to me would be that I publish my book of overcoming physical and mental trauma and abuse to give other women the hope of seeing that beauty that can come from the ashes of their life.”

Success to me would be that I publish my book of overcoming physical and mental trauma and abuse to give other women the hope of seeing that beauty that can come from the ashes of their life.”

“I will feel successful when I would publish my children’s stories as a family legacy for my grandchildren. Seeing the smiles on their faces as they read Grandma’s stories will delight my soul!”

“My success will be when I see my book in the local bookstore, sitting on the shelf, and know that all those hours were worth it! Plus, it would give me a feeling of authority to begin my speaking career!”

“My books will be an outlet for my quirky personality. Each story will have a life of its own and make readers giggle with delight.”

So, how about you? What does success and flourishing in your writing life mean to you?

Now that you've articulated it...let's follow the checklist to make it happen!

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