Write+Publish+Flourish VIP

Write ~ Publish ~ Flourish

Dear Wise One, 

You have permission to dream again. 

I help seasoned Christian women build confidence through consistent action to share their words with their world. Join this coaching program to find the support you need.

You are my fellow word warrior, scribe, and one who loves words. Deep within, you have a dream in your heart to write your words. You’re feeling a tug. Now is the time to get your words out of your heart and mind and onto the page. Your stories, songs, memories, or fantastical worlds you long to create are begging to be told. You don’t want to just think about it anymore. You’re ready to take those unwritten words and give them life. 

No matter where you are in your writing journey, there’s…

  • Confusion, concern, and questions - You wonder if you have what it takes to write. And if you do, how do you publish your words and find time to do everything else you need to do in life? 
  • Frustrated, frazzled, and frumpy - You only have 24 hours in a day and you spend a lot of that time taking care of others. How will you have time to work on your dream? 

You’re wondering how to ..

  • Confidently escape the wheel of confusion and write your words.
  • Find the rhythm to pursue your dream so you can live a more confident life knowing you are leaving your words as a legacy. 
  • Create a calming writing-life where you feel encouraged and fulfilled. 

Don't Do It Alone

I know how you feel. For years, I let things stand in the way of my writing. I can’t pinpoint the time when I stopped. But, I went from a teen and young adult pouring into my diary and writing short stories and little journalistic pieces to hardly ever writing. And, the years slowly passed (which are many years because I’ve had several trips around the sun)!

Then in 2015, I pieced together insights that revealed a serious life-change puzzle that revealed my creative path. It was a path leading to finally living my childhood dream of writing. This eventually led to my first published piece in a collaborative book. Seeing my words published lit my writing fire. I couldn’t let anything stand in my way anymore. I started on a journey where writing my words became a priority. 

I want you to get that clarity to move forward.

Accountability Keeps You Moving Forward

One main thing I least expected to play an important role in my writing journey was the value of accountability. Writing is a solitary act because it’s you in front of your paper writing your words. But a writer doesn’t need to live a solitary life. It’s not part of the criteria.

Along with the companions of the writing road, came the secondary benefit…people who became accountability partners. It was through a simple accountability process that I self-published my first non-fiction book. I’ve always made my greatest progress when I have accountability as an important piece of my publishing process. 

In 2017 I created a writing challenge for other writers. I loved coming alongside and cheering on my fellow ink-slingers. In 2018 I had a pivotal moment when my mother-in-law expressed her writing regrets. She had never written her stories and songs. She passed away two months later. That’s when I started a free writing group solely for encouraging writers to Write More; Write Now. We are still going strong! 

Through the years of mentoring writers in my Facebook Group, Write More Write Now, I’ve helped other writers. I know I can help you as well. 

That’s why I’m pulling the best of everything into my Write, Publish, Flourish membership program. To help keep you moving forward.

Planning and Action

This is a planning and action program for authors who want to invest in their writing life, aligning their actions with their purpose and dreams. It integrates some unique advice into a creative writing and publishing routine that works for you for where you are, and where you want desire to be.

You write, thus you are a writer. 

You put your words out into your world, thus you are a publisher.

You learn to write in the rhythms of your life and according to your definition of success for your audience, and thus you flourish.

That’s the Writer-Publish-Flourish mindset.

By following this style, you'll understand the different aspects of your creative life (writer, publisher, flourisher), adopt the right publishing model for you and your words, and come to enjoy your publishing as much as your writing.

$249.99 a month to access the core library, private community hub, and me!

This is a very personal take on your writing and publishing journey, creatively, and in my way of offering personal attention to encourage you along to make progress.

Let’s face it. You don’t need another self-paced course teaching how to do X, Y, or Z. Most authors in a recent survey didn’t even put “knowing how to do something” as the #1 thing holding them back.

Looking back at a recent survey I sent out,  there were things authors felt that kept them from fulfilling their writing dreams. Things such as: 

  • Lack of consistency in action.
  • Busyness resulting in not making time to do the “author life” stuff.
  • Lack of confidence.
  • Lack of direction.
  • Feeling overwhelmed with too many choices.
  • Feeling overwhelmed with too many decisions.
  • Overcomplicating processes 
  • Analysis paralysis.
  • Too much life-y stuff going on.
  • Staying motivated and inspired.
  • Getting distracted.
  • Procrastination.
  • Spiritual warfare.
  • Money.

Those aren't things that can be solved by the usual “writing course”.

After mentoring authors for 7 years, here’s what I know most authors need…

A big-picture vision for their authoring dream - you need to cut through the fluff or the noise of so many trainers and what everyone says your authoring success needs to be. Instead, you need an old-fashioned heart-to-heart with yourself to get clear about what success means to YOU.

A focused plan of action that fits you, your meaning of success, and your ultimate purpose in your writing life.  

Real-life feedback on your writing, plans, and ideas. Listen, it’s really easy to get off track quickly chasing bunnies down the trail and grasping at every bright shiny object that comes into view. That’s where real-life feedback at the beginning can keep you from wasting many precious hours.

You need real-life accountability. Not just checking a square on a sheet. But, the accountability that comes internally when you're putting your intentions out for other eyeballs to read.

My first self-published book in 2017 was a product of simple, group accountability. I religiously went to that weekly thread and set my intentions for the week. Then I followed up at the end of the week with my progress. Week by week, action by action, I stayed accountable to myself and the group. Even through a hard drive meltdown and losing documents, I got that book self-published in 90 days. 

The big lesson here is accountability works, if you let it.

You have a 95% chance of completing a goal if you commit to accountability appointments with a specific person.

— The American Society of Training and Development

So, let’s come back to you. I believe and know you are the hero of your writing success. You wear the cape to your writing adventure.  

I want to be your Obi-Wan Kenobi. If you aren’t sure who that is, the short version is he was a fictional character in a science fiction series, Star Wars. He was a type of shepherd who helped to guide the main character, Luke Skywalker.

I’m here to help you.

This is an accountability and action membership with gentle nurturing and leadership collective. The focus is to set your goal, keep your mindset in check, and in your gentle rhythm get your words written and your message out into the world. 

  • Distill the “why you write” into a few well-chosen words so you… understand the value that you bring to your writing world. 

  • Perfect your vision for who you’re writing for so you… know who you’re writing to with a simple message and renewed passion.

  • Strengthen your confidence in your writing dreams so you… spend your time writing and building your author life instead of worrying.

I’m your Word Shepherd, Kim Steadman. I’m inviting you into a safe place so you can look into the pieces of your writing life you need to rejuvenate so you can Write, Publish, and Flourish with Peace and Purpose! 

This special event will help you lay a firm foundation for the heart, mind, body, and soul of your writing dreams.  

You’ll Get Immediate Access to:

WPF Treasury: A collection to help you get focused no matter what stage of the writing or publishing you’re in. 

This treasury will quell your fears and confusion. You will create more confidence in your life, which‌ will influence your writing life. It contains the tools I confidently use to keep the doubts and fears at bay in my authoring life. 

  • Praying the Scriptures Over My Writing - this journal contains scriptures and journal prompts to guide you in praying over aspects of your writing life. (This is the same journal as my freebie, but in case you don’t have it already. It is an ongoing experience!)
  • Core Values - I firmly believe everyone should revisit their Core Values at least once a year. Yes. Values change. I can tell you when I was 25, leaving a “legacy” wasn’t something that I thought about. Now, it’s one of my Core Values. But, it’s not just knowing them, it’s about living them and using them as a deciding factor and a filter. It’s life-changing. (2 or 3 days, review at least once a year or semi-annually)
  • Year in Review - I will share with you a way to review the last 12 months in a style that’s easy, uplifting, and helps you immediately see your possibilities. (1 hour)
  • Write More Write Now with Focus Worksheet - A majority of authors are stuck because of lack of focus. If you ride the struggle bus of being a multi-passionate writer, you will need this worksheet. The scientific fact is our brain isn’t wired to multi-task. This worksheet will help you figure out what to work on next so you can work with peace and fortitude. (1 hour)
  • Frame Your Aim Workbook - this workbook helps you get clarity on the why you write along with clearly identifying your ideal reader avatar.

Mid-Month Motivation:

Each month those in WPF coaching will get some mid-month motivation. Expect it by the 15th of each month. The focus will be to help get you through the second half of the month. I’ll share my current creative challenges and accomplishments with you on a deeper level than what I share in any free-access forum. And we’ll explore a particular Write, Publish, Flourish theme for the month.



There will be a weekly Intention thread and a Check-In thread HERE in the Write-Publish-Flourish  Community Hub (NOT on Facebook). I’ll be encouraging all WPF members to be bold, set a weekly goal and check in at the beginning and the end of the week. I know that seeing the progress of others is the wind in my sails. You’ll also have access to me for private feedback, encouragement, or input on a private Voxer channel or email. This is a writing-life coach in your pocket! $99 a month for a 3-month commitment ($297 total).

Personal VIP 1:1 Email Coaching

Personal VIP Mentoring where you get one-on-one coaching with Kim …

I’m an email away. Want my opinion on a book cover? Your outline? A book idea? Social media strategy? Prayer? A sounding board if you’re scared, indifferent, or confused? You’ll have unlimited access to me. This will be your time when you can Ask. Me. Anything. 

I’ve self-published in several genres. I’ve ghostwritten work for others. I’ve coordinated collaborative books. I write inspirational devotionals, children’s stories, self-help, fiction, and non-fiction. The only thing this does not include is line-by-line review of your complete current work. I will review up to 500 words a week. So, hey, you CAN get some feedback on your written words! ( Of course, if that’s what you’re looking for, complete line-by-line feedback, just ask and I’ll send you information!)

Who is Write~Publish~Flourish not for? 

  • If you’re looking for guidance from an author who grinds out one new book every month, I’m not that person. 
  • If you are looking for coaching on how to hit the NY Best Seller list, I’m not that person. 
  • If you’re looking for studio-quality instructional videos on how to format and design a book, upload to KDP, and do the technical stuff, this isn’t it. 

But, if you’re tired of spinning your wheels and ready to make your time a time of moving forward in your writing dreams. This is it.

If you’re tired of stagnation and ready for action, I’m the gal to help you move forward. 

If you’re ready to commit..

to $249.99 a month for 3 months for Write, Publish, and Flourish!

If you have more questions, email me at kimcsteadman@gmail.com

7 Modules

Welcome from Kim Steadman

Welcome to Write, Publish, Flourish!

Write Publish Flourish Workbook Treasury

This module is full of foundational content that will help you in your writing life.

WPF Community

The link to the private community!

Prayer Journal for Writers

This is where you'll find the PDF to download your prayer journal.

I need a break

Need a break from the membership? No worries, follow these steps..

Modules for this product 7
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